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About Madison

Madison is 27 years old and lives in OR

Maddy is a driven young women who has overcome some major setbacks. She is strong, driven and persistent having been in and out of care since she was a young girl. Maddy has come such a long way in working through her anxiety, her challenges and her obstacles. She has finished her high school diploma, her fire services program through her high school and gotten her permit. She had the goal to one day work as a fire fighter however that goal has been put on hold. Maddy has recently been diagnosed with seizures and is no longer able to reach her goals of driving or being a local fire fighter. Never the less she has kept her goals for another day but has moved her focus to keeping her part time job that she loves but also working to be independent as much as she can. Maddy will be leaving foster care soon on her 21st birthday and is working diligently on saving for an apartment and making plans for getting to an from work safely on her own. She is also building a strong support system with her co-workers and bio family. She is one of the strongest young ladies I know.