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About Issaiah

Issaiah is 20 years old and lives in WI

Issaiah is the oldest of three siblings. He lives with his Great Aunt and has been separated from his brothers, Alex and Alijah for the last 7 years. Issaiah is big for his age and he looks pretty tough, but he is the kindest, most gentle young man there is. Issaiah struggles to make friends because it is hard for him to trust others and his is shy, but when he comes to camp with his brothers he feels very secure and confident. He loves to help his younger brothers and he tries very hard to be a good role model. Issaiah has attended CTB-WI for the last 3 years, it is the only time he gets to be with his brothers because they live in different towns. Issaiah said the best part of being a big brother is showing his little brothers how to learn and do new things.