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About Edward (Eddie)

Edward (Eddie) is 24 years old and lives in NJ

Eddie is a young man who has made immense strides over the past year-and-a-half and has never felt more confident or as happy as he does at this point in his life. Eddie is most proud of becoming a mentor to younger youth in the home with him; he helps to teach them how to cook and mow the lawn, among other things. Eddie just enjoys helping others. He loves to watch his favorite basketball team, the Philadelphia 76er's,; he is a very good basketball player in his own right. He recently received his first bike and loves to ride around his development. He additionally loves to play video games. He is extremely good with his hands and enjoys learning about electronics and how they work by taking them apart and putting them back together again. His desire is to either work in he field of electronics or to become involved in the graphic arts, specifically regarding the design and implementation of video games.