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About Nicola

Nicola is 22 years old and lives in NJ

Nicola is a young lady that has shown she can survive no matter what the odds. When placed in foster care she thought her world was over. She gave up on herself and started to do things that she shouldn't do. She began to cut school and not obey the rules in her foster home. She found out that disobeying the rules can cause you to be moved from place to place. It took her a long time, but she finally decided to change. She realized that she wouldn’t be able to go home because her dad had moved out of state and her mom was not complaint with services. Her dad has not contacted her, but she has connected with a relative in another state and she is trying to develop a relationship with her. She realized that she would need to focus on herself so that she can have a future. She spoke with her caseworker and the staff at her program about going back to school. She understood that she had to prove that she had changed. In a few short months she has shown that she is determined to be different and plan for a future. Her behavior and non-compliance with school has set her back. She should be in the 11th grade but she is only in the 9th. She is trying to take extra credits and plans on going to school in the summer. She is hopeful that she can be moved from the group home and placed with a family.