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About Corrin

Corrin is 26 years old and lives in CA

Corrin is an exceptional young woman who has truly beaten the odds. Not only has Corrin aged out of the foster care system but she has done the unimaginable. During her freshman year while home for spring break she and her friend were driving from an amusement park back to San Diego. They were hit by a driver who fell asleep and lost control of his car. Her best friend was killed and Corrin had a serious brain injury and wasn't expected to survive. Corrin had to learn how to walk and learn to do many normal functions that we normally take for granted. Corrin gave herself a goal to return to college in the Fall and doctors didn't think that was possible given her brain injury but she worked very hard on her rehabilitation. Again she beat the odds and improved enough was back at school. We are proud to share that Corrin is graduating from University of Oregon this June with her degree in journalism and will be leaving right after graduation for a special program for new journalists in New York City. Another dream come true for her!!