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About Elijah

Elijah is 17 years old and lives in WI

Elijah has been living in foster homes since the age of 6. He has two brothers, one younger and one older than him. He remembers living together and how they would wrestle , giggle and sneak cookies when they thought their grandma wasn't watching. He also remembers the hard times, like when he had to move to a different home and his brothers couldn't go with him. He has not lived with his brothers for several years now and the only time they get see each other is when they attend camp. At camp it reminds Elijah of the time when they were together. They get to go swimming, horseback riding, share meals and even sneak an occasional cookie. Elijah misses his brothers like crazy. He looks up to his older brother and he protects his younger one. Elijah is quiet and sweet, a very caring young man. He says his brothers are his "buds" and he loves and misses them.