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About Erik

Erik is 12 years old and lives in WI

Erik is one of 7 children with ages ranging from 2-18. Since he was born, Erik has been enamored with his two oldest brothers who are 13 and 14 years old. As soon as he could walk he would follow them around wherever they go and often play the role as the annoying little brother that we so often see in family dynamics. However, his brothers tolerated it well and would try their best to include their younger sibling in games and playing outside. Unfortunately, Erik and his two older brothers were separated when they were removed from their parents and have been away from Erik for the last several years with occasional weekend visits to maintain their sibling relationship. Erik has struggled with the change in family dynamics and although he does get to see them sometimes on the weekends it has been difficult at times to adapt to being the oldest boy in the house. Even at his young age Erik talks about how he misses his brothers and speaks about his favorite thing being playing hide and seek outside with them. At this time Erik enjoys spending time playing outside when the weather is nice and he likes swimming and fishing.