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About Scott

Scott is 18 years old and lives in WI

Scott is one of seven children; ages ranging from 2-18. He and his older siblings (and younger) have had a difficult childhood. Scott and his older brother witnessed their father attempting to kill their mother in a domestic situation when they were two and three years old. This was a very traumatizing situation and has affected Scott’s behavior ever since. Scott is placed outside of the home in a group home. Initially Scott and David were together in the same group home, however due to circumstances, David’s placement was changed. Even though Scott has been involved in delinquent behavior, he does treasure his siblings and enjoys spending time with them. Scott’s younger siblings look up to him and he has now realized that he needs to model positive behavior for his siblings. There have been regular weekend visits to maintain the sibling relationships. This change in the family dynamics has been challenging for all family members. Scott’s siblings talks about how they miss him and talk about their favorite activities; playing hide and seek outside. Scott misses Erik and David and all they want is to be together doing fun things like fishing, swimming and telling stories to each other late into the night, and maybe an occasional game of hide and seek.