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About Pedro

Pedro is 19 years old and lives in OH

Pedro has been in foster care for just over a year due to issues surrounding trauma and neglect. Pedro is the older brother of his 5 younger sisters and was their protector and caregiver prior to their placement in foster care. Pedro was separated from all of his siblings at placement because a home that could take all 6 children together could not be located. Pedro does get to see his sisters one to two times a week, which he very much looks forward to. Pedro is shy and quiet and does not prefer to be the center of attention. Pedro is also described as very sweet and kind hearted by those who know him. Pedro had to be enrolled in a new school when he came into care. Because he is shy, it can be difficult for him to make new friends and build new relationships. However, Pedro did not complain and he adjusted quicker than anyone expected. He was able to make a few good friends and even started to participate in some extracurricular activities. He joined Band, choosing the saxophone, and fell in love. He practiced more than required and his case manager would often find him practicing on the back porch when she arrived for home visits. He also played football and ran track, both of which he also enjoyed and was passionate about. He gives 100% effort to every thing he does and puts his heart and soul into it. Pedro has said that the saxophone and sports help him clear his head. Starting therapy was difficult for Pedro because he struggles with talking about his feelings and his past. However, he has started to embrace his time with his therapist and is learning how to process and verbalize his emotions.