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About S'coya

S'coya is 24 years old and lives in CA

From S'coya:"Growing up in the foster care system is a challenge that you don't necessarily have a choice in rather you want to accept. I lost my mom when I was 9 years old from breast cancer. By the time I was 16 I have been in and out of 15 different places. I say places because I was never anywhere long enough for it to be considered a home. Having to meet people who say all the right things but behind closed doors, dark whispers are told. Fake love is showed cause the money comes and goes. You loose out on what it feels like for a genuine person who wants to provide and assist you without motivation from a check. No one cares unless they are paid too. That's the most defining experience the system has given me. Which is all due to the fact that you are apart of a system that automatically perceives you into this stereotypical negative success predicted upon your future, based of judgement. Year 2010, foster place #10 "You are nothing because you come from nothing." Nothing is expected of a foster youth who came from several different faces of upbringing. My mindset was determined to prove everyone wrong. Year 2018, graduated student athlete with a 3.0 GPA, recipient of several scholarships in the amount of over a $1,000. Year 2019, finished my first year at the number one private Christian School in America Grand Canyon University in Phoenix Arizona, studying for my Bachelors In Sports Performance Psychology. The foster care system gave me the back bone and awareness to trust myself in allowing the right people into my life that helped guide and support me in creating the right path to success for myself."