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About David

David is 20 years old and lives in NC

David was adopted at birth by a kind-hearted single mom. Everything in David's life was going well. He had close friends, was doing well in school and loved his family which consisted of his adoptive mom and two brothers, who were also adopted. His productive and positive life was interrupted when the family home burned in May of 2016. Shortly thereafter, his mom began a slow mental and physical descent from dementia, causing DSS to take custody of the boys in October of 2016 because no one from the family would step forward to raise them. David has lived in five group homes and one family foster home since being taken from his home in 2016. Despite all the moves he is thriving. The therapist in his current group home calls David "the most positive child she has ever had in the group home". David told his Guardian ad Litem recently that "It's not my fault that I'm in the situation that I'm in, but it is my fault if I don't make the best of it." His mom's dementia finally culminated in her death in a nursing home in February of 2019. David is a strong good-looking boy with a great sense of humor.