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About Akira

Akira is 22 years old and lives in NJ

Akira is a fun loving, sassy, young adult who lights up room with her personality. It is difficult to be around Akira, not laugh and constantly smile. Akira has been in and out of home placement most of her life. Although she wants more than anything to live with family full time, her challenges and needs may not be met, even with the unconditional love provided to her by her grandmother. Akira is kind hearted, always drawing pictures or writing songs for the people in her life she cares about. She often refers to the staff at her programs as her "mom", "sister", "aunty" to recreate a family setting for herself. She is either telling a joke, singing, dancing, or advocating for herself or other young people in similar situations. Akira enjoys going to school to learn new things and be social with her peers. To know Akira is to love her for all her special and unique qualities.