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About Stormy

Stormy is 28 years old and lives in KS

Stormy is an established professional advocate from Topeka, Kansas who has experience working with FosterClub, National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC), National Foster Youth Institute (NFYI), and the Children’s Bureau in the Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Having joined the Kansas Youth Advisory Council in 2010, Stormy’s advocacy journey began by helping craft the Kansas State Legislature’s Senate Bill No. 23 which enables foster youth the right to graduate from any post-secondary institution with an altered, lower minimum curriculum of 21 credits. This is significant because youth in care often struggle with attaining a high school diploma due to the transitional nature of foster care and this lowered minimum of credits helps elevate graduation rates without sacrificing critical education requirements. Stormy eventually became president of Kansas’ state council and subsequently coordinated two of the biggest youth conferences focused on youth development and life skills in Kansas’ history. In 2019, Stormy graduated with his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a minor in acting, the latter he studied in London. Stormy was the first Kansas participant in the prestigious FosterClub All-Star Internship and now works as part of the organization’s National Foster Care Youth and Alumni Policy Council by bringing his experience with the criminal justice system to the policymaking table. Currently, Stormy is planning to attend law school in 2023.