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About Maximus

Maximus is 8 years old and lives in OH

Max has an engaging smile and a fun personality. He loves to play and doesn’t know a stranger. He has been placed in the same foster home for 2 years at the age of 4. He was brought into care with untreated Autism symptoms, was entirely nonverbal, emotionally dysregulated constantly, and at times violent with others and harmful to himself. Upon receiving his services to assist him with his disabilities and provide him with tools to cope and ongoing support from family and friends, he has absolutely flourished! He is now able to hold conversation with others, continues to work on learning new words, is writing his name, and is even able to join a general education classroom for the upcoming school year after being told by providers he would likely never be able to do so- and in such a short span of time! He meets his academic goals, loves his peers and teachers, and has received several different awards for improvement and good behavior in the recent school semester. His treatment team is consistently in awe of his improvements.