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About Anntesha

Anntesha is 34 years old and lives in NV

At the age of 9, Anntesha was placed in a Kinship placement with her maternal grandparents. Unfortunately, due to the lack of resources available for Kinship families at the time, she was placed into formal foster care at the age of 16. Her time in care shaped me by wanting a better life and future for myself and her children. She is a strong advocate for positive changes for all children in foster care and more support/resources for Kinship families. Despite aging out of care and being a teen parent, Anntesha has accomplished many goals. She started advocating for positive changes, helped on a grant project to help pregnant and/or parenting teens in foster care as well as providing youth with education to prevent teen pregnancy. When her sister's children entered foster care, she became a Kinship caregiver and went from having three children of my own to seven children all under the age of seven. She currently works for a Kinship navigator program.