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About Garrett

Garrett is 3 years old and lives in OH

Garrett is the big brother that all of us would be lucky to have. While he may be young still, his heart for others and animals can be easily seen. He is the older brother of his biological sister, but is second to youngest out of all of the children in the foster family. Garrett’s caring nature can be observed in the soft kisses he gives to his baby sister, and the hugs he gives to others when they get hurt. He will sit next to his sister, or walk up to his sister, and say baby, and give kisses then give her a soft kiss on the forehead. If any of the other children in the home begin to cry, he will try to help comfort them. Garrett’s foster parents live on some acres of land, and take care of different farm animals, including chickens, goats, bees, and previously turkeys. He excitedly puts on his toy story boots, to go help his foster father take care of the animals. He loves loving the family’s indoor cats and dogs.