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About A' Mariya

A' Mariya is 4 years old and lives in MO

A' Mariya, who prefers to be called "Maria," is a sweet and happy little girl. She has autism and is always on the move; it's hard to get her to sit still. Maria loves to play with sensory toys and enjoys exploring her surroundings. She delights in listening to music and being outside. Tickle parties are a favorite activity of hers, and she loves being read to at bedtime. Maria has a fascination with police cars; she once sat in one and didn't want to get out! She enjoys the comfort of being swaddled and tucked in when it's time for bed. Despite the many obstacles she has faced in life, Maria remains cheerful and energetic. She loves ice cream and especially enjoys strawberry banana shakes! Always eager to be out and about, she is happy to ride for hours in the car as long as there is music to listen to. Maria is truly a bundle of energy!