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A Gift For Shyniecer to give her little angel

Posted Dec 8, 2022
Shyniecer recently lost her infant son at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The only thing that Shyniecer expressed that she wants for Christmas is something to put on infant son's grave for the holiday season. This loss has been incredibly difficult for her, and she would love to be able to celebrate her child.

Shyniecer is 22 years old and lives in NC

Shyniecer is an amazing young lady that aged out of foster care. Shyniecer is smart and intelligent, she enjoys singing for family and friends. Shyniecer has a beautiful voice. Shyniecer has dreams of being an entrepreneur and having her own childcare business. Shyniecer loves and adores children and hopes to have children of her own one day.

The Wish Story

Onslow County Department of Social Services requests this wish for Shyniecer.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kyle grants the wish for Shyniecer! Thanks Kyle.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Onslow County Department of Social Services for Shyniecer.

Shyniecer receives the wish from NC DHHS - Onslow County

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