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About This Wish

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Car payments for Jacob who needs to get his car back on the road

Posted Dec 12, 2022
Jacob needs to get his car back on the road! Over the past 6 months, he has had to use all of his savings to fix various things on his car, and after spending all of his money on repairs, he was defeated to learn that after getting a flat tire, he had additional repairs needed. Having these repairs completed will mean the world to Jacob!

Jacob is 23 years old and lives in CA

Jacob is used to facing a lot of challenges and uncertainty in life. He grew up with a mom who struggled with her mental health, and, because of this, he was eventually placed into foster care and then moved into a group home before he was reunified with his father, who later passed away. Jacob went on to live with his grandparents, and in spite of the turmoil, graduated with a BA in graphic design.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Facebook grants the wish for Jacob! Thanks *OSW Facebook.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Just in Time for Foster Youth for Jacob.

Jacob receives the wish from Just in Time for Foster Youth

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