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A gift to give Jai a magical Christmas

Posted Dec 23, 2022
Jai is a wonderful and bright 3 year old who is in foster care. While his upbringing has been hard, he continues to be happy and light up those around him. Please help bring some holiday spirit to this amazing little boy!

Jai is 5 years old and lives in CA

Jai is a 3 year old foster youth who is currently being cared for by his grandmother. He is an energetic, kind, and curious little boy who brings joy to everyone he 's around. He loves to play and explore!

The Wish Story

Alliance for Children's Rights requests this wish for Jai.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jai! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Jai, Merry Christmas!!! I hope you enjoy the gift. Ed"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Alliance for Children's Rights for Jai.

Jai receives the wish from Alliance for Children's Rights

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