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About This Wish

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A Tablet for Omarion who wants to stay in touch with family.

Posted Feb 2, 2023
Omarion currently resides in a group home and does not have any local family in the area. He would love a tablet to contact his family through social media apps. He would also enjoy using the tablet to watch sports and complete schoolwork. Since Omarion is in a group home, he cannot bring a school computer home, so having a tablet would really help.

Omarion is 16 years old and lives in FL

Omarion has been in the foster care system since he was 3 years old. Omarion is currently living in a group home and does not have any local family in the area. He is working hard to do well with his classes. He is well-liked by group home staff, school staff and his peers. Omarion is a very caring child who has a great sense or humor. Omarion has endured several years of trauma; however, he wants to turn his life around and help others who have been in similar situations.

The Wish Story

Directions for Living requests this wish for Omarion.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Give Now, Grant Later 22-23 grants the wish for Omarion! Thanks Give Now, Grant Later 22-23.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Directions for Living for Omarion.

Directions for Living receives the wish!

Omarion receives the gift from Directions for Living!

"Thank you for granting Omarion's wish. He was so excited and could not believe that someone would grant such a wish! Thank you for making this wish for Omarion come true... it meant so much to him! "

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