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About This Wish

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Electric scooter for Rocky to use to commute to college classes

Posted Apr 7, 2023
Rocky is doing his best in college, however, the commute is long, and sprinting across campus to get to the next class has become difficult to do. Rocky would like an electric scooter so that he can continue his excellency in college.

Rocky is 21 years old and lives in CA

Rocky went into foster care as an older teenager after he informed his family he would be transitioning from female to male. Some of his challenges are depression and anxiety. Despite these challenges, Rocky is a youth who enjoys reading and writing. He also enjoys spending time with his variety of pets, such as his dog, frogs, and lizards. Rocky is currently in the process of obtaining his Bachelor's Degree at a four year university under their specialized cognitive psychology program.

The Wish Story

San Diego Youth Services requests this wish for Rocky.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Give Now, Grant Later 22-23 grants the wish for Rocky! Thanks Give Now, Grant Later 22-23.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the San Diego Youth Services for Rocky.

Rocky receives the gift from San Diego Youth Services!

"Thank you so much for the gift, Rocky really appreciates it and is now able to get to classes faster. Thank you!"

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