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A Set of Paints for Taylor so she can paint some shirts

Posted May 4, 2023
Taylor has been collecting some t-shirts, and she wants to paint these for friends and caregivers. She only wanted to help someone else for her birthday this year. She thinks of everyone else. She would like a set of paints so she can continue making her gifts for others.

Taylor is 19 years old and lives in MO

Taylor has some visual impairment. She loves doing things with others and trying to keep busy. She enjoys books on tape, and she enjoys listening to movies and music. She loves Home Alone movies, and also any movies that make you laugh. She enjoys being able to watch them the best she can and listen to them. She is silly and has a playful personality. She loves making friends and investing her time in others to develop strong relationships. She has the most contagious smile and a sweet personality. She is a Christian and loves to go to church and listen to the music.

The Wish Story

Abilities First requests this wish for Taylor.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Taylor! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you enjoy the gift and painting bring you much happiness. You are so special and kind to think of others on your special day. Know that I will be imagining all the beautiful t-shirts. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Abilities First for Taylor.

Taylor receives the gift from Abilities First !

"Thank you for my cool set of paints. I love to paint and create cool shirts for my friends. I have trouble seeing at times and so this has been great to do squeeze painting and tape painting. The shirts came out so cool and I have given for birthday and will give others for Christmas. Thank you for helping me give to others. "

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