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Sensory balls for Braxton to help him with his sensory processing and to use his hands more

Posted May 25, 2023
Braxton loves to hold things in his hands. He loves balls and loves to squeeze things. This would give him many to have and to hold, and to keep. He would love to have this big set for his birthday and he could have many choices to choose from as it would help him with sensory issues.

Braxton is 8 years old and lives in MO

Braxton is a little boy with autism. He has some sensory to sounds and to his surroundings. He is sweet and loving. He wants to be hugged tightly all the time. He loves big tight hugs. He has a contagious smile and likes you to let him listen to music and it calms him if it is the right music. He does like riding in a car and likes to listen to music or tear magazines. He is always finding things to build or to keep in his hands. He loves to rock in the rocking chair and likes his weighted blanket. He enjoys going to school and working with his aide.

The Wish Story

Abilities First requests this wish for Braxton.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Braxton! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Abilities First for Braxton.

Braxton receives the gift from Abilities First !

"Thank you for my sensory balls and there were so many that I had a different one each time I tried hard. I love them and I can hold onto them and squeeze them. I love holding balls and keeping them in my hands. Thank you for bringing me my wish! "

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