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About This Wish

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A John Deere ride-on toy for Alex to keep up with everyone else

Posted May 31, 2023
Alex loves playing outside and especially loves playing with his brother and his foster family. Alex and his foster siblings play outside a lot and this would help Alex and his brother David both participate along with the rest of the kids in the home.

Alexander is 5 years old and lives in NE

Alex is an amazing young kid that is currently living in a foster home with his younger brother. Things have been tough for Alex, and he struggles with some outburst and behaviors due to the confusion of foster care, but also continues to be a sweet and caring kid. Alex’s favorite things include sharks, dogs, and playing with toys as well as his brother. Alex is very smart and is extremely caring of his younger brother.

The Wish Story

Jenda Foster Care requests this wish for Alexander.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Alexander! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jenda Foster Care for Alexander.

Alexander receives the wish from Jenda Foster Care

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