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About This Wish

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Assistance for Jasmine who needs to catch up on her phone bill

Posted Jul 19, 2023
Jasmine is going through a difficult time right now. She recently became a mother and also lost her job. She's been focusing on taking care of her little one and hasn't been able to look for work. It would make a big difference if she could use her phone to schedule appointments and see what job options are available. That way, she can start getting back on her feet and provide for her child.

Jasmine is 26 years old and lives in GA

Jasmine's interest is going to school and taking care of her beautiful baby boy. She is a huge fan of literature and enjoys Shakespeare. She hopes one day she can write her own book and be able to help other young women work through their situations as she has overcome a lot in life.

The Wish Story

Think of Us requests this wish for Jasmine.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jasmine! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hang in there! You got this! You are on our hearts and minds - we see you"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Jasmine.

Jasmine receives the wish from Think of Us

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