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A car seat for Angelo who is growing out of his infant carrier

Posted Aug 25, 2023
Angelo is outgrowing his current car seat. Having a convertible car seat to help with the transition will be so helpful for his brother who is working hard to take care of him.

Angelo is 2 years old and lives in NE

Angelo is a busy toddler who loves to play. He's recently been trying lots of different foods and has discovered that oranges are his favorite fruit! Angelo was removed from his parents' care shortly after birth and was placed with his big brother since coming into care. His brother loves having him in the home and hopes that he can adopt him in the future to give him the stability of a forever home with him.

The Wish Story

CEDARS Youth Services requests this wish for Angelo.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Michael grants the wish for Angelo! Thanks Michael.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CEDARS Youth Services for Angelo.

CEDARS Youth Services receives the wish!

Angelo receives the gift from CEDARS Youth Services !

"Thank you! "

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