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A Nook Reader for Jasmin who is an avid book lover

Posted Jul 23, 2023
Jasmin has had to navigate some hefty obstacles when it comes to foster care and recently moved into a new foster home, and was unable to take her books with her. Jasmin loves to read and get lost in the mystical worlds that surround her books. This e-reader will be perfect for her to be able to keep all her books in one place, and be able to quickly get new books to fulfill her lust for reading!

Jasmin is 13 years old and lives in NE

Jasmin is a spunky young girl who has been navigating the journey of foster care without her older sister. Since coming into care, Jasmin has remained a positive force in her school and community. She has recently been taking up bowling, and she states her favorite class is art! Jasmin also really enjoys helping out on the family farm! Jasmin says she doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up, but think she wants to be a vet since there are so many animals on the ranch. Jasmin is one sweet kiddo who will make anyone smile!

The Wish Story

Department of Children and Family Services requests this wish for Jasmin.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jasmin! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Jasmin I hope you enjoy your new Nook reader and get to read lots of new books. You're capable of amazing things, so go out into the world with confidence. Keep dreaming big, and never forget that you have the power to turn those dreams into reality. Believe in yourself, Jasmin, and keep reaching for the stars"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Children and Family Services for Jasmin.

Jasmin receives the wish from NE DHHS - Dodge County

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