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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Kitchen supplies for Willow to use in her new apartment

Posted Jul 31, 2023
Willow is asking for help to purchase some new kitchen items. Willow has been having difficulty adjusting to her home and new roommates. This being said she feels limited while using the supplies that are open to those who also live there. Willow would love to have her own kitchen essentials so she does not have to run into problems with others.

Willow is 20 years old and lives in OR

Willow is someone who sees the light in everyone. She is a big dreamer who works towards her goals and truly wants to turn around her life for good. She uses her experiences to help others and bring awareness to certain problems such as sexual harassment. Willow always keeps a positive mentality and is very inclusive when it comes to meeting new folks.

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Willow! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you have fun cooking! I find that my most used kitchen tool is my chefs knife. Don't be afraid to try new recipes! Liza"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Catholic Community Services for Willow.

Willow receives the wish from Catholic Community Services

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