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A personalized blanket for Junasia who can never find her name on things at the store

Posted Aug 25, 2023
Junasia feels sad when her name is never found on anything in stores or in books. Junasia's mentor suggested that she look on Etsy. While looking together, Junasia found many items that could be personalized with her name on them. Junasia would love to pick out an amazing blanket that she can personalize. This will make her so cozy and happy. Junasia will be returning to college and wishes she could have a blanket for her new semester.

Junasia is 23 years old and lives in NJ

Junasia is a wonderful young lady who loves to do track. School, work and a work study program take up a lot of Junasia's time. Junasia is a hard worker and enjoys exploring her talents. Junasia love making scented soaps and bath bombs. Junasia loves wearing jewelry and expressing herself through fashion. She has a passion for psychology and nursing and is determined to incorporate others into her career!

The Wish Story

Charity Kings Inc. requests this wish for Junasia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Junasia! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Junasia, I hope your blanket is soft and warm. Amy"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Charity Kings Inc. for Junasia.

Charity Kings Inc. receives the wish!

Junasia receives the gift from Charity Kings Inc.!

"Thank you very much for thinking of me and granting my wish right before my new semester. I appreciate everyone who made this magic possible I didn't think my name would be picked and it was. It feels great to know someone cares about me. "

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