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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A laptop for Jada to use for college

Posted Aug 20, 2023
Jada has completed her first year in college and has been utilizing the loaner Chromebook that was issued by the school. Due to the strict firewall settings, she has had issues with it being an efficient laptop for all of the required research. This gift would allow her the freedom to not only be more efficient in school but will be a tool for her to use for employment search and other future endeavors.

Jada is 19 years old and lives in CA

Jada has endured many hardships throughout her life, which includes being torn from her siblings / supportive grandparents at age 8 for a single adoption. Unfortunately ,she faced abuse and neglect which landed her back in the system and bouncing from home to home. Since being in my home for the last 3 years she has show a tremendous amount of growth and maturity and motivation to be the best version of herself. She graduated high school early at age 16 and went straight into college. She’s completed 16 college courses towards her Associates degree in child development. She will be turning 18 soon and will be venturing into transitional housing to further personal and professional goals and to perfect her skills of independence.

The Wish Story

Urban Surf 4 Kids requests this wish for Jada.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Christine grants the wish for Jada! Thanks Christine.

"Good luck with your sophomore year, Jada! I hope this laptop helps you achieve your goals and enjoy your year."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Urban Surf 4 Kids for Jada.

Jada receives the wish from Urban Surf 4 Kids

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