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Bra'Nia needs a purple dresser for her new room!

Posted Aug 21, 2023
Bra'Nia was recently placed with her cousin after spending many years in foster care. She is so happy to have her own room for the very first time in her life. Bra'Nia would LOVE a new purple dresser to store her clothing and really make this space her own.

Bra'Nia is 11 years old and lives in CA

Bra'Nia is an incredible little girl who loves dancing to music and going to the movies. She loves the color pink and LOVED the Barbie Movie! She spends her weekends roller skating and riding her bike. She loves her family and her friends and was so excited to start school where she is a straight A student!

The Wish Story

Children's Law Center of California requests this wish for Bra'Nia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Bra'Nia! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Bra’Nia, I hope your purple dresser makes you smile! Never forget how important you are in this world. Shine bright and spread your magic each day because we need it! Your friend, Tara :)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children's Law Center of California for Bra'Nia.

Bra'Nia receives the wish from Children's Law Center of California

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