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An interactive learning desk for Timothy's birthday

Posted Aug 23, 2023
Timothy has a birthday coming up, and he would love a new learning desk toy. He loves playing with toys where he is learning. Timothy learns quickly, and he has so much fun when playing and learning at the same time. This interactive desk will be perfect for an ever-learning Timothy!

Timothy is 2 years old and lives in TX

Timothy is a very sweet boy who loves being with his caregivers. He is working to get caught up developmentally since being in care but he is such a determined boy that he works so hard. He loves to make his family smile and is always being helpful or giving a big hug. He loves to play and is most happy when he is using creative play. He loves to pretend to cook, pretend to be superheroes, and he loves building blocks.

The Wish Story

Angelheart Kids requests this wish for Timothy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Timothy! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Angelheart Kids for Timothy.

Timothy receives the wish from Angelheart Kids

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