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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Airpods for Jennifer to be able to focus on homework

Posted Sep 28, 2023
Jennifer is a dedicated student who just transferred to a university. Working and going to school full time sometimes requires homework on the go. She is requesting Airpods to support her education allowing her to block out surrounding noise while she concentrates on homework.

Jennifer is 27 years old and lives in CA

Jennifer is an amazing young woman who is currently living on her own after becoming unhoused due to a toxic living environment that she bravely chose to leave. She has been through the foster care system and has now aged out. Even during this time of instability, she has managed to finish her bachelor's degree and enter a master's of social work program, with so much passion and the goal to give back to her current and former foster youth peers.

The Wish Story

Pivotal requests this wish for Jennifer.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Brittany grants the wish for Jennifer! Thanks Brittany.

"Good luck on your journey!!! You have a bright future ahead of you. Keep going! You deserve to get the happiness you seek."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Pivotal for Jennifer.

Jennifer receives the wish from Pivotal

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