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A fun costume for Jaziyah who is ready to match her sisters as Hello Kitty

Posted Aug 29, 2023
Jaziyah loves Halloween and cannot wait to dress up with her sisters as Hello Kitty this year. She is looking forward to dressing up and going trick or treating as a family and taking family photos she can look back on for years to come.

Jaziyah is 9 years old and lives in AZ

Jaziyah just moved into a new foster home with her older sister t0 be with their two younger sisters. Although she is excited to reunite with her siblings, she has to adjust to a new home, new people, and a new school. Jaziyah is a very emotional and hyperactive young girl. She struggles with focusing on the task at hand. She is a happy and bright girl who just needs some extra help.

The Wish Story

A Place to Call Home requests this wish for Jaziyah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jocelyn grants the wish for Jaziyah! Thanks Jocelyn.

"Hello Kitty is such a cute costume! I dressed up as Pinkie Pie as a little girl. I hope you have the best time and get all your favorite candies! :)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the A Place to Call Home for Jaziyah.

Jaziyah receives the gift from A Place to Call Home!

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