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A yummy meal for Miranda at a fan favorite restaurant

Posted Sep 28, 2023
Miranda would enjoy a nice dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Miranda has been going through many transitions and never asks for much. People talk about how much they love Texas Roadhouse and Miranda has never been there! A nice dinner at a restaurant she has never been to is sure to put a smile on her face!

Miranda is 20 years old and lives in NJ

Miranda is a sweet girl that just wants to get through her time in foster care and learn as much as possible about life for when it is time for her to be on her own. She loves history and would love to someday track her family tree. She wants to someday also be an author and write about women rising to the top.

The Wish Story

Family Services requests this wish for Miranda.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Brittany grants the wish for Miranda! Thanks Brittany.

"I hope you have an amazing experience and dinner and that you have many more rewarding moments to bring you happiness and love. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Family Services for Miranda.

Family Services receives the wish!

Miranda receives the gift from Family Services !

"Miranda was so excited to have a nice dinner at Texas roadhouse. Miranda enjoyed ribs, mashed potatoes, corn, and of course a cactus blossom! Miranda got excited when she realized the waitress would bring as many rolls and iced teas as she wanted. The kind waitress even let her bring some rolls home. Miranda finished off her meal with strawberry cheesecake!"

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