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About This Wish

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A Spiderman bike for Nash who desperately wants to learn how to ride

Posted Sep 6, 2023
Nash wants so badly to learn to ride a bike. He found this fantastic Spiderman bike and would love to have it at his house. Nash loves Spiderman so much that he wants it to be his middle name if he gets adopted. This bike will allow Nash to pretend to be Spiderman while he zooms from place to place. This will be a wonderful birthday gift for this sweet guy.

Nash is 5 years old and lives in AZ

Nash has had a rough start to life, born substance exposed, he has had many battles with his health but never lets it get him down. He is always smiling and full of energy and spreads joy everywhere he goes.

The Wish Story

Arizona Department of Child Safety requests this wish for Nash.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Nash! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Arizona Department of Child Safety for Nash.

Nash receives the gift from Arizona Department of Child Safety!

"thank you so much- Nash loves his new bike!"

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