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A household air purifier for Robert who has special needs

Posted Sep 6, 2023
Robby is on a trach and a ventilator. He needs 24/7 care and supervision. He currently has an air purifier in his room but needs one to clean the air in the upstairs area of the house. It will clear the air of toxins and other particles that can affect Robby's breathing.

Robert is 2 years old and lives in OH

Robert was placed in this foster home straight from the hospital about a month after he was born. He was born with several genetic disorders, causing him to have severe medical needs, including the need for oxygen 24/7 and having a G-tube to be fed. He was recently diagnosed with another disorder, where he is actually the first known case. Robby just had a trach placed on 4/13/23 and will be in the hospital for several more weeks. His foster parents have gone through extensive training to be able to care for his medical needs. They are currently working on a home renovation to accommodate his special needs when he is released. Robby is such a happy baby and is very loved and cared for by his foster parents and nine foster siblings!

The Wish Story

Adriel Foster Care and Adoption requests this wish for Robert.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Robert! Thanks Awesome Human.

"We hope this helps keep you happy and healthy! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Adriel Foster Care and Adoption for Robert.

Robert receives the gift from Adriel Foster Care and Adoption!

"Thank you for providing this air purifier for Robby. This will accommodate his special needs and ensure he is having clean, fresh air to breathe. Thank you for helping Robby with his quality of life! "

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