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About This Wish

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School supplies for Rhiannon to prepare for her new school

Posted Sep 8, 2023
Rhiannon has been placed in a new foster home and needs to get some new school supplies, a backpack, and other essentials for her new school as soon as possible. It's completely understandable that she might be a little nervous about going to a new school, so it's important for her to have the essentials she needs to feel confident.

Rhiannon is 9 years old and lives in TX

Rhiannon is a bubbly girl, she likes to sing, dance, and watch TikTok. She enjoys helping with cooking and making homemade things. She likes to eat chicken nuggets. She likes school and her teachers and makes friends easily. She is very sweet and is happy in her new home.

The Wish Story

Angelheart Kids requests this wish for Rhiannon.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Rhiannon! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Good luck in school, Rhiannon! I hope this helps get you off to a good start!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Angelheart Kids for Rhiannon.

Angelheart Kids receives the wish!

Rhiannon receives the gift from Angelheart Kids !

"She loved all of her new school stuff. Thank you so much for helping her get back to school on the right foot."

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