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A few toys for Oliver to call his own

Posted Sep 14, 2023
Oliver recently moved into a new foster home. Thankfully, he is also placed with his brother. The family would love to have Oliver pick out some items that are his own and that help him feel more at home.

Oliver is 7 years old and lives in AZ

Oliver is currently placed in a foster home with his brother. They love each other very much and are glad to be together. Oliver is adjusting well and loves to smile and play. He is a good mannered little guy who is a joy to be around.

The Wish Story

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services requests this wish for Oliver.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Oliver! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you find some fun toys to play with, and enjoy them!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services for Oliver.

Oliver receives the gift from Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services!

"Thank you! Oliver was able to get some great items. His transition into his new foster home is going great!"

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