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A special outing for Damiyaa to get her ears pierced

Posted Sep 14, 2023
Damiyaa has been asking to get her ears pierced for a long time. She is so excited to be able to wear fun earrings, and to match with her sister. This will be such a special day!

Damiyaa is 6 years old and lives in OH

Damiyaa has been living in kinship care with her grandma and 4 siblings. She is a happy, social child who loves to play with all of her siblings! She is active and loves to run around and play outdoors. Damiyaa and her big sister love to match, play, and be best friends!

The Wish Story

Alicia's Closet requests this wish for Damiyaa.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Katharine grants the wish for Damiyaa! Thanks Katharine.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Alicia's Closet for Damiyaa.

Damiyaa receives the wish from Alicia's Closet

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