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A laser tag set for Michael to have a blast with his sisters

Posted Sep 28, 2023
Michael loves to play with his sisters, but that can be difficult because he doesn't want to play with dolls or makeup. Michael played laser tag at an arcade and has done nothing but beg for a game of his own. His sisters and he like to play tag, so he knows they will love to play along with this set. He would be over the moon if he had his own laser tag game!

Michael is 9 years old and lives in MO

Michael is such a sweet kid. He had very few material things before coming into care. Once he was placed and received his first bed, he made it every morning. He wanted to keep it looking nice and was so appreciative of it. He is always thrilled when he receives anything for himself. Michael has an older and younger sister, and he is the best brother to both of them.

The Wish Story

Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association requests this wish for Michael.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Michael! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hello Michael! Laser tag is SO much fun! I can’t wait for you to be able to play any time you want with your sisters :). "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association for Michael.

Michael receives the wish from Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association

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