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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Sneakers for Maya to wear during cooler weather

Posted Nov 6, 2023
Maya has been unable to purchase new sneakers for the upcoming back-to-school season. As the weather begins to cool down, it is essential for Maya to have appropriate footwear for school. This wish will enable her to purchase a couple of pairs of sneakers. This will allow her to focus on her studies and extracurricular activities without worrying about inadequate footwear. Her Christmas wish is for a great new pair of shoes.

Maya is 24 years old and lives in NJ

Maya is a remarkable young woman who has faced numerous challenges in her life but continues to persevere and excel in her studies. Maya has been in and out of group homes, and despite these difficult circumstances, she remains a dedicated and hardworking student, attending college full-time. Maya’s mother is currently battling brain cancer, which has added immense emotional and financial strain to their lives. Despite this, Maya has maintained excellent grades, demonstrating her commitment to her education and future. In addition to her mother's illness, Maya has also been a victim of a heinous crime. She was stabbed and left for dead by someone she thought was a friend. This traumatic experience could have easily derailed her life, but Maya has shown incredible resilience and strength in overcoming this tragedy. Maya’s involvement in the KFS&C's mentor program has been instrumental in her healing process. These support systems have provided her with a sense of belonging, guidance, and encouragement.

The Wish Story

Kairos Faith Sisterhood and Champions Corporation requests this wish for Amaya.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Maya! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas Maya! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the KFS&C for Maya.

Maya receives the wish from KFS&C

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