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About This Wish

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An iPad for Elannah to play games and practice her new math skills

Posted Oct 5, 2023
Elannah likes to draw, do puzzles, play games, and play Minecraft on her foster mom's devices. She would love to have a device/iPad of her own that she can use more independently. Elannah is proud of herself for mastering some difficult math skills recently and says she would like to be able to practice these skills and play math games on her own device as well.

Elannah is 12 years old and lives in OH

Elannah is an amazing young girl who is always full of creative ideas. She's recently moved into a new foster home and is looking forward to new adventures. Elannah loves playing with Barbies, singing, dancing, swimming, and doing puzzles. She's also a talented artist who enjoys sketching and playing Minecraft.

The Wish Story

Alicia's Closet requests this wish for Elannah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Hannah grants the wish for Elannah! Thanks Hannah.

"Hi Elannah - I hope you love your iPad! Practicing math and doing puzzles are great ways to spend your time. :)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Alicia's Closet for Elannah.

Elannah receives the gift from Alicia's Closet!

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