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Premium bedding for Epic who will love to zip up his bedding to make his bed

Posted Oct 6, 2023
Epic and his twin brother were not anticipated to be long-term placements or even in foster care for long term. But life threw major curveballs, and they have been in care for 16 months. Because of this, their room was not initially set up for more than one child. In an attempt to keep Epic and his twin brother together, the foster family said yes to them both. Epic is ready to get some great new things to make his space feel like home. This super comfy bedding will be great for his space. He will be so happy to zip up his bedding and help his foster parents make his bed.

Epic is 2 years old and lives in NC

Epic is a silly, sweet little one! He is currently placed in a foster home with his twin brother. He has proven to be such a fighter and has surprised everyone who knows him with his innate ability to overcome whatever life throws at him, even at such a young age! He loves to make silly faces funny noises, and capture the attention of everyone in a room. His twin brother is his favorite person on earth, and they are the sweetest duo. He is truly the most special little guy!

The Wish Story

Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina requests this wish for Epic.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Alison grants the wish for Epic! Thanks Alison.

"Happy holidays to Epic and his brother, as well as their family. Thank you for keeping these 2 together and safe."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina for Epic.

Epic receives the wish from Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina

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