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Adventure Pass for Lilyana to enjoy Great Wolf Lodge

Posted Oct 25, 2023
This wish would mean the world to Lilyana, who works so hard on her schoolwork. She is always giving of herself to everyone and willing to help at any moment, but sometimes, she needs to be reminded that she is a kid. Going to Great Wolf Lodge and getting the adventure pass would make her feel incredibly special and help her let down her guard. Lily is so excited to go on a trip with her family in December and would be so happy if they could add The Great Wolf Lodge to their fun adventures.

Lilyana is 13 years old and lives in NC

Lilyana is a bright and compassionate young lady who has overcome so much. She always wanted a family with brothers and sisters who would love her and that she could love in return. She is an amazing daughter who loves and cares for everyone else. When she is not playing with one of her four siblings, she enjoys taking piano and guitar lessons and practicing worship music. Look out, she will be famous one day!

The Wish Story

Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina requests this wish for Lilyana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Lilyana! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Lilyana, I hope you have a fantastic time and tons of fun on your trip! Happy adventuring! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina for Lilyana.

Lilyana receives the gift from Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina!

"Thank you so much!!! She is having a blast!!!"

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