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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Dirt bike riding gloves for Dale so he can stay safe

Posted Oct 27, 2023
Dale's favorite activity is riding on his dirt bike. He is in need of new riding gloves due to his current ones being old and worn out. He is asking for a new pair for Christmas. These will be the perfect gift for him to find under the tree!

Dale is 17 years old and lives in OR

Dale is an athletic, articulate and social young person. He sometimes has trouble managing his deep felt emotions. He finds physical activity to be a calming and healthy outlet. Some of his favorite activities are playing football, basketball, weight lifting and riding his dirt bike.

The Wish Story

Morrison Child and Family Services requests this wish for Dale.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Matthew grants the wish for Dale! Thanks Matthew.

"Hey Dale. I hope you enjoy the new gloves and get out there on your bike and enjoy the ride. Keep doing what you love and believe in yourself. Have a great day!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Morrison Child and Family Services for Dale.

Morrison Child and Family Services receives the wish!

Dale receives the gift from Morrison Child and Family Services!

"Thank you for fulfilling the wish! A personal thank you will arrive after Christmas."

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