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Home adjustable weight set for Daymien who enjoys working out

Posted Oct 23, 2023
Daymien is very much into health and wellness. He likes to lift weights and would enjoy an adjustable weight set to have at home because he can't afford a gym membership. This weight set goes from 5 pounds up to 25 pounds which would be the perfect starting weight set.

Daymien is 16 years old and lives in WA

Daymien loves to work out. He enjoys lifting weights, running and listening to music. He likes to hang out with his friends. His favorite pastime is to playing video games and reading.

The Wish Story

Department of Children Youth and Families requests this wish for Daymien.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Carol grants the wish for Daymien! Thanks Carol.

"Hey Daymien! Keep up the good work and enjoy your weights set. Taking care of yourself is an awesome thing to do. All the best, Carol "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Children Youth and Families for Daymien.

Daymien receives the wish from WA DCYF - Aberdeen County

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