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About This Wish

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Snacks for Carlette to fill her cupboards

Posted Oct 24, 2023
Carlette hopes to adopt her younger sister and is saving money to be able to do so. She would be thrilled with some help getting a few snacks to fill her cupboards. She can't wait to pick out her favorite sweet and salty treats for herself and her sister!

Carlette is 25 years old and lives in PA

Carlette is an amazing young woman who entered foster care with her siblings after her mother passed away when she was a teenager. She loves animals and currently is learning to work with them in a career readiness program and working in the healthcare field. She hopes to become a kinship parent for her younger sister and eventually adopt her! Carlette is saving up to be able to take care of her sister and buy a house one day.

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Carlette! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope this goes some way to helping brighten your day. I wish you all the best of luck with your wish to adopt your sister. Best wishes . Leah :)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Hand2Paw for Carlette.

Carlette receives the wish from Hand2Paw

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