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About This Wish

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A cat condo for Shay to gift to her beloved cats

Posted Oct 26, 2023
Shay has two female cats, Storm and Amber. She has cared for them since they were kittens and were given to her by friends to keep her company. She has demonstrated dedication to being a good "cat mom" by ensuring they are well-fed and vaccinated. The two cats are indoor cats and currently spend the day playing in her bathroom. Shay would like a cat tower so Storm and Amber have a proper place to spend the day in Shay's bedroom rather than in the bathroom.

Shay is 21 years old and lives in CA

Shay was initially removed from her home due to physical abuse. Shay is very interested in training to work in medical billing, as she enjoys math and working from home. Shay graduated in 2021. She has her own apartment through a YMCA program for extended foster care youth. She is a shy but warm young lady who tends to keep to herself. She has intermittent contact with her family and friends, but her beloved cats, Storm and Amber, are always there for her.

The Wish Story

Voices for Children requests this wish for Shay.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jillian grants the wish for Shay! Thanks Jillian.

"I hope Storm and Amber love their new tree!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Voices for Children for Shay.

Shay receives the wish from Voices for Children - San Diego

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